So I took the bus, It takes about 40 minutes to an hour to get downtown which fucking sucks. Lol. But it was still entertaining.
Here's some things I saw from the bus:
A mission to retrieve my passport. I had to ask a billion people where the passport place was. They would only tell me 2 streets and then I would have to ask another person. -_-' It was rather annoying. Lol.
Yes Susan, Nate, Leggerz...There is a Chinese Macdons. Lol. I'll show you more western restaurants once I explore the world of China more. Lol.
I had this delicious dessert at some fruit place. It had coconut, red bean and some other thing i don't know what it's called in english but it's really good. In china, if you spend a certain amount of money they give you money to go eat food down in the little restaurants. AWESOME I LOVE FOOD AND SHOPPING.
Here are some clothes I bought today, ahahaha soon I will adapt the Chinese style.
It's a lot of pressure to buy clothes in China because they want you to look good. They stand there watching you look at clothes, and then they come up and suggest other clothes, but they are really good at it because they take one look at you and know exactly all the clothes you would look at or would buy. It's amazing. 0.0 This is why everyone in china is stylish. Lol.
I forgot to mention that on the way back from the bus there was a old man singing some songs really loud, I wish I knew what he was singing, I think he was singing about the Lord or something, that's the only word I could understand. I asked the other people on the bus but they either ignored me or they also said they didn't understand the man. A high schooler was really annoyed by the man. Lol.
I liked it. It was probably the best bus ride i've ever had. If only I had a sound recorder for you guys to hear the amazing sounds that I've been hearing.
Monday is just starting here in the great Northwest. It's 7:13 a.m. and I'm just getting ready to go to class. The sun hasn't even risen, really!
... buy me some clothes! Are there Wet Seals in China? lolz.
you should get one, and make animations to the found sounds!
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