Sunday, March 29, 2009

My apologies

Ahh, sorry there hasn't been any outside pictures.
You see, I'm in extreme animation mode now, for those of you who understand animation timing, this is my schedule:

Animation shit to do:
40 seconds a week
Week: 6 seconds a day
or 8 seconds a day
Animation done in: 2 months
Inking and coloring: 1 month
Backgrounds during the 3 months on "off times"
Sound and composing: 2 weeks in the states.

My room is a mess and I haven't left my dorm in 4 days.
My sleep schedule is wayyy more fucked up then it is at MCAD.
I go to bed around 7-10 am and then get up around 4-7pm.
This is the worse. I mean, I have trouble sleeping anyway, but it's not ass backwards like this. Lol.

I wish I can just take a train to Shanghai and leave for 2 days. (I can it's only an hour or so away.) But the light table calls and the frames won't animate themselves.

If I get caught up this week I am leaving. Lol. Or maybe I'll just bring my light table along to the hotel or something. -_-'

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