...Which is not a very healthy thing to do, but whatevs. (I guess it doesn't help that my school also delivers food to your apt...Haaa)
The capture stand in my school is very hard to use because the upperclassmen don't really wanna take the time to let you use the computer that has the capture stand. And I don't wanna run up and down the stairs for fuckin... 3 seconds of animation, and a pencil test that I can't use on my MAC computer.
So I made my own capture stand. LOL. Check it.
I'm also using a demo version of iStopmotion which only lasts for 5 days.
And all of my pencil tests say, "Captured with a demo version of Bionx iStopmotion"
But it's pretty good! they are quality pencil tests. Lol.
so if your camera is taped on the chair....HOW YOU TAKIN THESE PICTURES?!
*mind has been blown*
With my mind, and then I hook up the USB to my ear and then I have these photos! I just learned this trick. Lol.
that sounds like some communist witchcraft.
Haha, that's amazing Diana. a-MAZ-ing!
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