Awh shitttt.
Today was so awesome.
Me and my friend Angelina went downtown and decided to wander around and go shopping!
So we went on the bus and probably got really close to where our destination was but there was this HORRIBLE HORRIBLE traffic jam. So we just got off and decided to walk like everyone else:

Ah we get to this park area and there's A BILLION PEOPLE THERE. Omg I can't even explain, it's so damn crowded, but Hangzhou is a very "tourist" place, I can understand why though, it's a beautiful city.

So a lot of people had their wedding today or something and they were doing a photoshoot, Lolzzzz.


My friend Angelina <3

We went to a Papa John's. You guys don't even know how happy I was to eat some American food. Lololol. It tastes okay, I think it's missing the MSG. LOL. For some reason the pizza actually looked neon yellow. wtf.

I wish I knew what he was writing.

Okay on this street it is called, "The Night Market" because it is filled with people who are selling their shit on the street. You can get fake Louis Vuttion purses, to shoes, clothes, jewelry, make up, toys anything bascially.

But of course you have to haggle like crazy.
I was not very good the first time and spent 30rmb on this cheap (but cute) little shirt.
Oh the currency is 1 USD is 6 RMB.
So the 2nd time I saw these really cute boots and the lady wanted 180rmb for them.
I was like, "Man, 180 rmb is a lot of money, I'll give you 50 bucks for it."
She then tells me that, "You know I'm closing soon and so is everyone else, how about I'll give them to you for 160"
I told her that was still too much and said, "50" once again.
She took out her calculator and punched in a number and handed it to me. (This is how they deal with haggling, through a calc...I dunno why.) It read 130.
I then punched in "50" once again and handed it back to her.
She looked at me and said, "oh I have to make a living little lady, how about I'll give it to you for..." typed in the number once again and it read, "100"
I laughed and told her, "50"
And she goes, "Okay the lowest I'll go is 80"
And then I was like, "well go right ahead, I'll just look at some other places and come back okay?"
That's when things got a little around my price. She then said, "Ohhh don't do that okay, here 65 dollars that's it."
and then I said, "60" She then responded, "65, come on, it's only 5 bucks more." and I said, "Oh plz 60 is only 5 bucks less." So then she agreed on 60 and that was that. Lol. So in terms of USD the boots were around 8 bucks.
IT'S SO INTENSE. So if you ever go to China guys, NEVER give them full price if you're going to markets like this...Always demand half of whatever they are offering or lower.
So then I got some tights, (some lady asked 65 bucks and i got it down to 12 lol)
And I got some really cute PJ's (other lady asked for 75 and i got it down to 30)

Ahhhhh cute cute.
<3 It was an awesome day/experience.