Good times. I didn't have my baby with me (my D80) because I let Alang borrow it. -_-' So I borrowed my friend's little digital camera. I was sad, but I still got some pretty sweet pictures. Check it:
I dunno if I posted this same picture before, but this bike stand was never there before. They just built it along with another bike stand towards the school. It's really crazy that I can see the development in China. Everything is fucking quick. It's like one day you sleep and the next day it's there. 0.0
I can't help but take pictures of the kids, they are too adorable and I loose my shit when I see them. Lol. SO CUTE.
Well, we all crossed the street and ended up on the middle of the road. Hahahhaa. Cars in China are crazy. And so are pedestrians.
So these people are training to be waiters or like, clothing store sales people. It's really weird and military like. 0.0
We then went to the night market and shopped a little and then decided to go to a bar called the Traveler's bar.
AHAHHAHAHAHHA I had one person in mind, you know who you are. <333 (What a funny name for a bar.)
Then Momo taught me how to ride her moped. But really I just hopped on and sped off. Lol. it was sweet.
Good yesterday. <3
I want to own a moped when I'm in China SO BADLY.
diana! you look grown up...weird, dont grow up on me!
Awesome pictures, as always. How did you like the moped??
babies!! so cute! ahaha, that is how i am here, being the creeper trying to sneak pictures of cute european babies.
Moped was sweet. Lol, I understand why you have one now. SO COOL, I wanna ride when I get back. Lol.
Getting High....Home...
hahaha yesssss!!
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