However nothing is coming to me yet and we have to have a story for our 3-4 minute animation by Monday.
My class is like a philosophy, psychology and animation class put in one. So the first half of the class we analyze a bunch of animations and then the 2nd half of class we talk about philosophers and what not and trying to relate it to our animations.
Well, here's some pictures I've been meaning to post. lol
There's a guy who brings his goats all the time to school so they can eat the grass and play. Cute.
This was at west lake, everyone here has umbrellas. No joke. You don't see someone without an umbrella...It's also kind of like a fashion statement here. Lol I caved and got an umbrella. It rains everyday in the winter.
Perhaps my good friend Tsingtao will give me some inspiration

chinese baby + baby goats, IDEAL PICTURE SO CUTE!!!
Not going to lie. Tsing Tao = Awesome. Tsing Tao + Tallboy can = Mind blowing.
Keep up the sweet photos and what not.
omfg that little kid is adorable.
Snap! Qingdao is for winners.
man your hair is long!
side note: my word verification fro this post is fatpot.
baby goats!! baby goats!! <3 whoooa your hair is long and also what are you drinking?
Oh Diana. You know what you should do. A animation of the two of us waiting for all of our film footage to load onto the computer. We already did the rough sketches of it, that can be your jumping off block!
drink a few more of those tallboys, and youll have a great idea for an animation in no time
<3 spm
I just want to throw up that goat and baby image is so cute.
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