Friday, March 20, 2009

The air is oh so thick

So thick that you can cut it with a knife and then eat the air.
Lol, but I suppose you wouldn't want to eat the air here, it's really gross.
When I step out of my building to go to school I can't even breathe. It's horrible.

The camera is not lying, for realz

I just liked this shot. It's from where I live, on the 6th floor.

There has been a lot of construction lately around my school, so there are a lot of cranes and what not,
I was walking back to my apt from my school and at that time I didn't think I needed my camera because I was just doing work at the studio. (So I very much regret that I didnt take my camera at the time.)
So I see these people on the street in this giant puddle and I thought they were just rinsing their feet in the puddle?
But as I got a lot closer they had a bunch of buckets and flashlights and they were yelling, "THERE'S ONE!" and caught whatever it was they were catching.
I thought they were catching frogs, which is pretty common, they just hang around sometimes. Lol. But it ended up being little fishies in the puddle.
How the fuck does a bunch of fish get in a puddle in this road?

There's fish moving, but it got blurred...Sorry bout that.

And a dead fishie

God China you're so strange.

On another note I made some illustrations for Leggerz and Nate.

For Legz:

And for Nataroo:
Titled: Japan Boats

Also Shark Report2, check it out guys it's amazing.

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